The Rebirth of a Beloved Institution

Bringing The Blue Star Back

The original Blue Star opened in 1995 in Old Colorado City at 2802 West Colorado Avenue. After 30 years of striving to perfect the art of dining, providing service for thousands of guests, and acting as a gastronomic staple in Colorado Springs, we are very excited to reopen The Blue Star in 2025 and build upon this celebrated concept.

Backing The Blue Star

There are so many meaningful ways to support The Blue Star. Every contribution will help us rebuild our restaurant in the best possible way.

Share Your Favorite Dish

Share your favorite Blue Star dish and sign up for news, access to exclusive events, and more.

Share Your Memories

Take a moment to tell us your favorite memory(ies), what you loved, and want to see, hear, and eat when we reopen our doors. Help us curate your future Blue Star Experience!

Employment Opportunities

Interested in working at The Blue Star? We’ll be taking applications in the coming weeks. Be sure to check back soon.

Become an Investor

Traditional high-level investment opportunities. Contact Joe Coleman at for more information

1645 S Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80905